This 37Ha site has been strategically positioned to protect and embrace the existing natural conservation category wetland and significant trees that provide fauna habitat and strategic fauna connectivity to Paganoni wetland. The open space design provides a seamless integration between the existing wetland reserve already highly valued by the existing community and the local authority, with new public parkland. Based on the core principle of creating environments and ecosystems that form part of the wider open space network, the retention and integration of trees in open space and the establishment of a strong framework of native vegetation provides connectivity and a unique asset for the community. A broad spectrum of recreation opportunities including large grassed areas for kick-about or gatherings, settings for community events, market spaces, playgrounds & exercise nodes, horse riding and bike trails and outdoor classroom enhances the existing stunning natural setting whilst providing for all facets of the community.
- Early liaison with Indigenous Elders regarding the significance of the site
- Federal Environmental protection measures and management regimes
- Fire mitigation through parkland design
- Extensive liaison with arborists and fauna protection officers
- Extensive collaboration with the local council over 5 years to develop a sound management and maintenance plan
- Initial sketch design, full documentation through to contract administration with staged implementation
- Sustainable Design Principles and Water Sensitive Urban Design
- Collaborative input to community planting day events over 2 years